About us
Why form the WMA?
The WMA is a group of coastal Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs) who share vision, values and standards, and have chosen to jointly administer their affairs to reduce costs, strengthen their own organisations and increase influence at both a national and regional level, without losing an unacceptable degree of autonomy.
What does the WMA do for its members?
The WMA and its predecessor – the King’s Lynn Consortium of Internal Drainage Boards have been providing services for the benefit of their members since 1967.
The nature and extent of these services has evolved over the years: from sharing just about everything in the early days incidental to the functions of a number of smaller Boards with limited resources; to sharing ancillary and strategic services today, as larger Boards with greater resources more able to operate as independent Risk Management Authorities.
The services provided by the WMA today still vary according to the needs of each Member Board, but they are largely administrative and strategic in nature.
Who controls the WMA?
The WMA is controlled by its Member Boards and run for the benefit of those Member Boards. The WMA is not about centralising delivery of the drainage service and taking away control from its members: the Boards themselves control delivery and are democratically accountable to those that pay for the service in their Drainage Districts. It is crucial that this continues; otherwise our Member Boards could go the same way as some others have done and lose the ability to operate, undertake work and respond.
How does it all work?
As a Service Provider the WMA makes available shared administrative and technical support services to its constituent Member Boards, which allows those Member Boards to concentrate on delivery within their Drainage Districts. All back-office functions are handled by the WMA at the behest of the Member Boards, and, as a result, each Member Board is able to use more of its resources and energy supporting the public and providing quality front line services in its District.
How do I get more information?
For more information about the Consortium please check out our Governance and Organisation webpages. Please also check out our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter.