Complaints and Feedback
Please let us know how we are doing
The Board is committed to providing a quality service to its partners and customers. To help us better serve you, please let us know how we’re doing by completing a Customer Feedback Form and returning it to us by email. Alternatively, you can print it out, complete the form and return it to our office at the address shown below.
We don’t always get it right
It is recognised that we don’t always get it right first time. If you need to complain please give us a call. If this does not resolve the problem, please complete our Complaint Form and send it to us by email or post, as previously advised.
Complaints Procedure
The Board’s Complaints Procedure and Unreasonable Complainant Behaviour Policy sets out how we will deal with your complaint, which we hope will be resolved to your complete satisfaction.
If you feel that any of your Board members have behaved inappropriately you can also make a complaint about them, in accordance with our arrangements for dealing with complaints made under the Code of Conduct for Board members.
Office Address
Chief Executive Officer
South Holland IDB
℅ Pierpoint House
28 Horsley’s Fields
King’s Lynn
PE30 5DD
United Kingdom